due date

[dju: deit]
  • 释义
  • 到期日,期头,支付日;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The assignments are due at the end of class on the due date.


  • 2、

    As the due date approaches, several students will want to be using the film.

    临近论文截止期, 很多学生要用电影资料.

  • 3、

    Due date: Session # 26 , in class.

    到期日: 第26 节课上.

  • 4、

    Papers submitted after the due date will be considered and receive a grade reduction.


  • 5、

    Drag and drop it in Today. You can also set a Due date.


  • 6、

    Papers are due at the beginning of the lecture on the scheduled due date.


  • 7、

    My due date meant I'd miss next year's entire budget season.


  • 8、

    Can I extend it if I can't finish reading it by the due date?

    如果到时候我没读完,我可以续借 吗 ?

    ——地道口语脱口SHOW 高中升学篇
  • 9、

    The same due date will apply to payment of all individual accounts.


  • 10、

    It'subserves me to finish the task due date.


  • 11、

    But don't forget to return them by the due date.


    ——无师自通 校园英语会话
  • 12、

    Tasks can be sorted by subject, priority, start or due date.

    任务内容可以依主题 、 优先次序 、 启动或到期日内容于以分类.

  • 13、

    If extension becomes necessary It'should be requested ahead of the due date.


  • 14、

    Please be reminded that the due date of Nomination is 20 th Nov, 1999.


  • 15、

    As the due date approaches, several students will want to be the film.

    临近截止, 很多学生要用电影资料.

  • 16、

    Did they tell you when your due date is?

    他们告诉你预产期了 吗 ?

  • 17、

    Patient: Doctor, It's terrible. I saw some blood discharge today. This is 8 day due date.

    病人: 大夫, 太吓人了. 今天开始流血了,可离预产期还有8天呢.

  • 18、

    Send your hand corrected hard copy by post within due date.


  • 19、

    Please do not forget to return the book to the library by the due date.


  • 20、

    We will make every effort to post solutions right after the due date for each homework.


  • 21、

    Group assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date.


  • 22、

    You may submit paper in class one day before the due date, or by email attachment.

    论文可以在最后期限前一天的课堂上提交, 或者透过电子邮件附件的模式提交.

  • 23、

    Papers submitted after the due date will be considered late and receive a grade reduction.


  • 24、

    Beginning in Grade One students are expected to have homework completed on a due date.


  • 25、

    Borrowing with due date beyond one year or one operating cycle.


  • 26、

    What happens with customers who don't pay up on the due date?

    对那些到期不来结账的客户 怎么办 ?

  • 27、

    Graded homework will be returned during the recitation a week after the due date.


  • 28、

    Please do not forget to return them by the due date.


  • 29、

    If Party B fails in payment of service charges over 15 days after due date.


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